[CALUG] eclipse and C on Fedora

Walt Smith waltechmail at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 8 10:43:23 EST 2010


I have eclipse with java on Fedora-12.
Over the years, I've done spots of plain jane
C in simple embedded processors, and some utilities 
on a desktop, all using basic editors and once using
text graphics with turbo-C.

I'm not interested in asking about emacs, vi(m), gedit etc
for this email.

It's been awhile since I have inquired about using an IDE
for C.  And I'm admittedly a bit lazy with this one task:
adding C rpm packages to eclipse.

When using eclipse with java, it gives lots and lots of help
( similar to VS ) in the form of little windows and tooltips,
inserting functions, refactoring, automatic fixups...

If using eclipse to do C development, is there advantage
other than what basic editors offer ( such as coloring syntax ) ??
i.e. do C library functions showup with prototypes onscreen etc ?
I hope what I'm inquiiring about is clear...




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