Please come out on February 11th from 7-9pm for our regularly scheduled Columbia Area LUG meeting. <br><br>This month we will have a visit by Paul W Frields, leader of the Fedora Project. You can find out more about him from his blog at <a href=""></a> or his Fedora wiki page at <a href=""></a><br>
<br>We have two topics to choose from this time out. Please take a moment to reply to the list (or me privately) on which topic you would prefer. If you could reply by about noon Friday the 30th that would be great! I'll tally at that time and let Paul know what we demand of him:)<br>
<br>The first possible talk would be on getting involved in Fedora. Many people don't realize how easy it is to become a member of the Fedora Project. How do you get an account? How do you engage with the community to contribute? What are some of the ways you can contribute other than coding?<br>
The second possible talk would be on remixing Fedora. You can use a set of tools that come with the distribution to create a remix that includes your choice of software for a Live CD/DVD/USB image. A Fedora Remix can include third-party software or change configurations in a way that shows off your favorite features and capabilities. New features in these tools also make for very easy creation of portable systems for personal use.<br>
<br>As always we will be meeting at the Columbia, MD offices of Tenable Network Security located at: <br>7063 Columbia Gateway Drive <br>Suite 100<br>Columbia, MD 21046<br><br>Entry is at the back patio with the blue tables. <br>
<br>See you there!<br><br>Chuck Frain<br>