Hey all,<br><br>I'm looking to purchase some hardware for KVM virtualization. The thing is, with KVM, your CPU and mobo/bios must support the virtualization instruction set. On Intels this is VT-x and on AMD it is AMD-V. I'm looking for either....<br>
<ul><li>A socket 775 mobo with a BIOS that will work with an <a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116265">E3200</a></li><li>A mobo and CPU combo that has support for one of these technologies</li>
</ul>Please send me an email if you have either of these that you wish to sell / get rid of.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br><span style="color: black;"><div dir="ltr"><div>--<br><br><font size="4">Craig Younkins</font><br><a href="http://cyounkins.blogspot.com/">Website/Blog</a><font size="2"><br>