[CALUG] Linux choices

Jason Dixon jason at dixongroup.net
Wed Dec 19 13:26:33 EST 2007

On Dec 19, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Eric Bassett wrote:

> Man you guys are all so predictable.  Thanks for proving my point.

First, seeing as how you're on this list, I guess you're one of "us  
guys".  Next, I apologize if my tone wasn't received as intended.  It  
was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, and more of a jab towards security  
companies that deal in Windows (although in hindsight, Tenable doesn't  
really fit this description).

Lastly, expect to get some sort of backlash, even well-intending, when  
you come on a FOSS mailing list and reply to a question about Linux  
distributions with your own preference for Windows.

P.S.  I'm surprised you didn't take the time to dissect my email.  I  
thought you guys at Tenable were a smart bunch.  ;)

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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