[CALUG] Slapd starts up slowly

Bryan J Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Mon Feb 28 00:38:57 EST 2011

It is not uncommon for LDAP services with a sizable DB and/or extensive schema 
to take several moments to shutdown and restart.  The alleged circular reference 
could be the LDAP init service seeing if the service is still up or down, when 
it's trying to down and up, respectively.

How big is your DB and/or schema?

-- Bryan

P.S.  Fedora 12 is no longer maintained as of December.  Have you considered 
either an annual lifecycle approach for Fedora, or possibly an Enterprise Linux 
release (commercial or unsupported rebuilds) with a longer lifecycle?  Does 
Amahi run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 6 (RHEL6), which just came last 
- http://www.redhat.com/rhel/
- Rebuild (no release 6 yet, likely soon):  http://www.centos.org/  
For home users and professionals, there is a $99/year Red Hat "developer" 
subscription (includes all platform and middleware products):  

- https://www.redhat.com/apps/store/developers/jboss_developer_studio.html

From: Joe Tseng <joe_tseng at hotmail.com>

I recently set up an Amahi-based file server using  F12 and I configured it to 
run as a PDC with Samba and OpenLDAP.  It had  been running very smoothly until 
just tonight when I discovered when I tried to  restart the slapd service it 
would just sit there for a few minutes.  After  it did start I looked in 
/var/log/messages to see if I could glean some clues;  it seems as part of 
"service slapd start" the system would request information  from slapd in order 
to restart slapd.  Seems pretty circular to me...   I did not note any type of 
success message when slapd finally did wake up from  suspended animation.
So my $64,000 questions are what is causing this  and why is it rearing its head 

now after running flawlessly for almost 2  months?
Thanks for clueing me in...
 - Joe

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