[CALUG] Fwd: Choosing a residential/SMB high speed internet provider

benalgo at speakeasy.net benalgo at speakeasy.net
Tue Aug 21 09:57:22 EDT 2012

Thanks to all who responded.
I'm likely going to with Verizon FIOS.
FWIW I did hear  from a number of folks (other than those who posted here) that
Comcast is more "flexible" on pricing than Verizon.
I tried the Clear modem thing but I live on the far side of a ridge line and the
service is sporadic and erratic ...much like the DSL service became very shortly
after FIOS was rolled into the hood.
(yeah, I do have a hard time thinking that it's mere coincidence)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <benalgo at speakeasy.net>
To: calug at unknownlamer.org
Sent: Tue Aug  7 13:08
Subject: Fwd: [CALUG] Choosing a residential/SMB high speed internet provider

Hi all,
I'm considering updating my home internet provider to a more modern one.

I have Comcast Xfinity and Verizon FIOS available.
Does anyone any recommendations 
based more on their hands on experience with technical/policy/support/reliability
aspects ?
[I'm interested more in just the internet service but am not opposed to the
"bundle" idea]

For example,
cost/service increases/nickel-and-diming (I have directv and every march the
price goes up and is WAY beyond the $30/month teaser rate)

usage control/oversight (throttling (supposedly Comcast does this) one reason I
want the high speed is to download distros and do some intense data
mining/gathering), or another example would be "exploring" - do they swat your
hands for this ?) [at a local conference when speaking w/ one of the presenters
said he used the (true) line that "I do this as part of job" and they left him
alone thereafter]

various technical aspects such as using one's own (wifi) modem (supposedly
Verizon did unofficially support this by allowing their modems to be set up in
bridge mode, not sure about Comcast), IPV6 support (supposedly Comcast offers
this whereas Verizon doesn't, but does this matter ??), device resets (a friend
who has FIOS needs to call in after a (sustained) power outage to "reactivate"
the devices)

And while at the moment this isn't a item, does anyone have any experience w/ the
"mobile" aspects of these services ?
[not sure about this at all .. in that I guess the commercials I've seen are more
oriented for video so I guess the "receiver" acts like a tuner+anyroom
DVR+slingbox ????]

Thanks in advance for any feedback,
I'll be at the meeting tomorrow if anyone wants to follow up then too,

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