[CALUG] F10 and 12 NAT

Walt Smith waltechmail at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 23 10:51:06 EST 2009


I have a F12 running on box #2

Need some help setting up NAT ( masquerading )
on box#1, F10.  Desire to have F12 eth0 passing stuff thru
eth on F10 box #1.  Box #1 F10 connects to Inet thru dialup (ppp0).

I can get it to ping box1 to box2 and vice versa.
Except everytime I change the firewall or enable/disable
box1 eth0, my ppp0 looses abilty to send box1 packets out.
So I have to redial.

Did google search, and went to fedora and gnome
websites and couldn't find more than basic setup using
gui system-config-firewall.

In the gui, just turning masquerading on doesn't seem to work.
It appears as though I can only select one port at a  time,
but I'm not sure what I'd be selecting..
I then look at port forwarding: seems to be empty.  I assume I don't
need to do that. I want to do a few basics like http, telnet, ssh, ftp,
etc.. ( is etc a service ??<g> )

So, I guess I need info ( or confirming info) that what I'm doing is
right, or not. Or a troubleshooting procedure.

As an aside, this F10 box takes a long time to boot:
It slows down considerably in several places: two of which are
daemons cups and anacron during boot.  I also see some message about
"dnsdomainname not set".  I have the name waltech.tenex.org
statically in there visible by $hostname after boot. So I don't do DHCP.




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