[CALUG] Ubuntu Maryland Team Leadership Request

Chuck Frain chuck at chuckfrain.net
Sun May 8 19:56:42 EDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

I'm writing to ask for a volunteer to take over the Ubuntu Maryland Loco
Team leadership role. 

As of right now, I've got one reluctant volunteer to take over the
position. The reason for the reluctance is not a lack of interest in the
group but a lack of time on his part to devote to moving the team
forward. This would become a back-burner project for him. 

We would really prefer to have a leader that is interested in giving
back to the project that they have been reaping the benefits of.
Participating in a loco team is an excellent non-technical way to give
back to the project. The time needed to manage things is minimal once
you get up and running. The biggest thing is figuring out what you want
to do with the team to keep it going forward.

Keep in mind that I'm going to be around to help in the transition and
the team going forward. Don't think that I'm just going to be walking
off after handing over the keys to the team. 

Drop me an email if you're interested and we'll talk.

Thanks for considering this.

Chuck Frain 
GPG Key: B2420431

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