[CALUG] June 8 Meeting - No Speaker Yet/Lightning Talks

Chuck Frain chuck at chuckfrain.net
Tue May 31 21:35:54 EDT 2011

Greetings Everyone,

As of now, I have not secured a speaker for the June 8th CALUG meeting
at the Tenable Network Security[0] Columbia, MD offices[1]. Entry is at
the back patio near the blue tables. As normal Praxis Engineering[2] 
will provide pizza and soda for us starting at 6:30pm. 

At this point the plan is to have a series of lightning talks. This is
where we get volunteers to get up and give a short 5-10 minute talk on a
topic that you would like to introduce the group to but is not
substantial enough for a full blown presentation. These are also a
great way to get your feet wet getting in front of a small friendly
crowd to learn some public speaking skills.

For this to work well we need volunteers. So if you have a short talk
you would like to give, drop me an email and I'll put together a
schedule of speakers. June 8th is IPv6 day so that is one idea for a
talk if you'd like to speak on that topic.

Additionally if you would like to give a longer talk let me know that as
well and we'll see how things come together. 

See you on the 8th!

[1]7063 Columbia Gateway Drive Ste 100 Columbia, MD 21046

Chuck Frain 
GPG Key: B2420431

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