[CALUG] Ubuntu-MD IRC Chat Summary

Ron Swift rswift at swiftstaffing.com
Tue Aug 5 11:08:24 EDT 2014

I want to thank everyone who participated in last night's IRC session. It was a good discussion. To summarize:
1.Several people are participating in the Charm City Linux sponsored online Linux training and they will provide an overview of their experience at a future meeting.
2. We talked about finding Linux compatible usb wireless devices. Ubuntu 14.04 appears to work better with more devices. Devices with Intel chips seem to work better whereas Broadcom devices are more problematic. Microcenter stores was mentioned as a good source for devices.
3.Discussion of favorite programs used on Ubuntu was suggested as a future topic.
4. It was pointed out that presentation topics can include any program that runs on Ubuntu Linux.
5. Using Google hangouts with IRC was recommended as away to record meetings.

We will not meet in August and there will not be an IRC session on Sept 1 due to the holiday. Our next meeting will be Sat, Sept 27 at CCBC.

Ron Swift 
410-788-7011, ext 5005 
Celebrating 25 years in business, 1989 - Present 
"Staffing, IT services and Web Development" 

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